General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is the forum where you as a shareholder can be involved in decisions concerning Acast. The Annual General Meeting is the company's highest decision-making body and is held once a year. Among other things, decisions are made on the disposition of the company's profits and the election of a board and chairman of the board.

All shareholders who have registered in time are welcome to attend the meeting. As a shareholder, you are entitled at any time to put questions to the company on the matters being discussed as well as on the company’s economic situation. If you wish to have a matter discussed, you must submit a written request to the Board of Directors no later than seven weeks before the annual general meeting.

The annual general meeting appoints key roles, such as board members and auditors. Decisions are also taken concerning rules for the Nomination Committee, fees for the Board of Directors and auditors, and remuneration guidelines for the CEO and other members of group management.

In addition to the Annual General Meeting, an Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened if necessary. According to Acast's Articles of Association, a notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given by keeping the notice available on Acast's website and advertising in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar. At the same time as the notice is issued, the information that the notice has been issued is announced in Svenska Dagbladet.

Acast AB’s Annual General Meeting 2024 will take place on Tuesday May 21, 2024, in Stockholm.

Shareholders wishing to have matters considered at the annual general meeting should submit their proposals in writing to Acast AB (publ), Att: Daniel Adrian, Kungsgatan 28, 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden. The proposals have to be submitted at least seven weeks before the annual general meeting. Notified matters can be included on the agenda of the annual general meeting only if they are suitable for decision by the meeting and if they have been notified in due time. Shareholders will be given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the company’s operations, plans and development.

If you wish to register for participation at the annual general meeting, please click Annual General Meeting 2024 below.

If you have questions regarding the annual general meeting, please contact Daniel Adrian (General Counsel) at +46 (0)76 101 22 42 or